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工作单位:INRIA 博士后





# 作者 期刊|会议 论文
1 Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, PART B: Cybernetics Sound Source Localization for HRI Using FOC- based Time difference Feature and Spatial Grid Matching
2 Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li, Miao Shen, Wenmin Wang International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS) Real-time Sound Source Localization for Mobile Robot Based on Guided Spectral-Temporal Position Method
3 Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li International Conference on InterSpeech, Portland, Oregon Time Delay Estimation for Speech Signal Based on FOC-Spectrum
4 刘宏, 李晓飞 智能系统学报 机器人听觉声源定位研究综述
5 Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li, Xuesong Yang International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011) Sound Source Localization for Human-Robot Interaction Based on Spatial Distribution of Time Difference Feature and Grid Matching
6 Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2010) A Selection Method of Speech Vocabulary for Human-Robot Speech Interaction
7 Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li, Zhuo Fu IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013) A Time-Delay Compensation Based Two-layer Probabilistic Model For Binaural Sound Localization